Rusiyalı alim Yerin nəhəng asteroidlə toqquşacağını proqnozlaşdırdı » -Xəbər portalı

Rusiyalı alim Yerin nəhəng asteroidlə toqquşacağını proqnozlaşdırdı

Rusiyalı alim Yerin nəhəng asteroidlə toqquşacağını proqnozlaşdırdı

Rusiya planetar müdafiə mərkəzinin baş direktoru Anatoli Zayçev Yer kürəsinin nəhəng asteroid və ya kometlə toqquşacağı barədə məlumat verib.

İnterfax xəbər verir ki, o bu barədə hava-kosmik məsələləri üzrə təşkil olunmuş konfransda danışıb.

“Ötən il Yer kürəsi sakinlərinin bəxti gətirdi ki, planetimiz 600 metrlik Hellouin asteroidi ilə toqquşmadı. Səma cismi Yerə yaxınlaşmasına 20 gün qalmış, oktyabrın 30-da, aşkar olundu. Belə fəlakət hər an baş verə bilər. Bu səbəbdən hesab edirəm ki, zəruri müdafiə tədbirlərini inkişaf etdirmək çox vacibdir” - Zayçev deyib.

Onun sözlərinə görə, ötən 20 il ərzində Yerin atmosferinə 556 səma cismi daxil olub.

Dekabrın ortalarında NASA və Los-Alamoss milli labaratoriyasının alimləri asteroidlə toqquşmanın qarşısını almaq üçün effektli yollardan danışıblar. Ekspertlərin fikrincə, Yerə təhlükə yaradan səma cismini trayektoriyadan çıxarıb partlatmaq olar.

Mənbə: interfax

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  • #1
  • 21 dekabr 2016 09:10
  • Yazan: joeychen
When you think about Rolex watches, you begin to toms sko transport yourself to the big screen. James Bond is the most reputable film character to a Rolex. When you think about sophistication, luxury and class, you think about the Rolex watch. You know you are someone if you own a Rolex Explorer, and you cannot blame people for trying to covet something like this. If you are thinking of buying yourself s knockoff Rolex Explorer, you need to know that there are two types of counterfeit watches; you have the low-priced models and you have those that were designed to perfectly resemble the original. The Rolex Canada watch, due to its reputation, is probably the most popular item to copy. Usually produced in China, Taiwan, Korea and India, you can find a fake Rolex Explorer for as low as $5 and as high as $1000. First type: The cheap counterfeit can sell for as low as $5 in streets and back alleys. It will sell well to those who are not knowledgeable about how the originals look but it will never be an acceptable because although it will have the name and logo of the brand, the design will not be exemplary and it may not come with any of the features you expect to find. Second type: The expensive counterfeit will sell for as much as $1000, depending on the design. They are designed to look like the original and they are made with better materials and parts. Advantages of Buying a Knockoff If you are buying a fake watch for the first time, it is normal for you to have some doubts about it. So to convince you further, here are some things that you might want to know: There is now a whole new world to counterfeit watches so you can come home with a perfectly made Rolex Explorer made of good materials and parts. Today's fake watches now have proper mechanical movements, and you can see it for yourself through the transparent exhibition backs. The watches are more of cheap football shirts a "tribute" to the original so you can go out without worry.

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