MTN-nin Baş Əks Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinin şöbə rəisi saxlanılıb » -Xəbər portalı

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MTN-nin Baş Əks Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinin şöbə rəisi saxlanılıb

MTN-nin Baş Əks Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinin şöbə rəisi saxlanılıb

Milli Təhlükəsizlik Nazirliyinin daha bir məsul əməkdaşı saxlanılıb. Trend-ə istinadən məlumata görə, MTN-nin Baş Əks Kəşfiyyat İdarəsinin şöbə rəisi polkovnik Mirəziz Əsgərov daxil olan şikayətlər əsasında Baş Prokurorluq tərəfindən saxlanılıb.

Hazırda araşdırma aparılır.

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In the previous test with metal bell, hourglass and water clocks, earlier, the ancients by hublot replica pole test day. The sun rises, the West long pole backward shadow, as the sun moves to the zenith, the shadow slowly shortened, and the rotation around the pole, at noon, the sun reaches the head, the shadow shorter (summer solstice, most places do not even shadow) after noon, the sun in the bar The West pole shadow backward East, and gradually grow. The shadow of the pole moment does not move, which is around the pole, forming right-handed direction. The reason for the right hand, because the vertical rod is measured on the northern hemisphere of patek philippe replica the ancients, is because the sun for a year, are biased in favor of the South's sake. If the ancient people of the southern hemisphere pole test day, the rotation of its shadow In contrast to the observations of fake watches the northern hemisphere, the shadow will be left. When people want to make a mechanical watch, they are used to it.Used to determine the right direction of the time of flight of the ancients, naturally chose the way we use the pointer type, the right hand way.

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