“Oqtayın inkişaf etməyən yerləri var” - Samirə "od püskürdü" » AzNews.info -Xəbər portalı

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“Oqtayın inkişaf etməyən yerləri var” - Samirə "od püskürdü" – VİDEO

“Oqtayın inkişaf etməyən yerləri var” - Samirə "od püskürdü"

Oktaydan küsən gərək onun tayı olsun. Deyirəm, ay Oqtay, çıxıb ağzına gələni danışırsan.
Milli.Az xəbər verir ki, bu sözləri ARB TV-nin "Günə davam" proqramına açıqlaması zamanı meyxanaçı, müğənni Samirə deyib.

O, daha sonra meyxanaçı həmkarı Oqtay Kamillə aralarındakı gərginlikdən danışıb.

"Oqtay yaxşı oğlandır. Amma inkişaf etməyən yerləri var. Heç mən olmadığım məclislərdə də elə ifadələr işlədib ki, göndərmişəm ki, utanmırsan? Sadəcə, bu adam özünü hamıdan qabaqda, yüksəkdə görmək istəyir".

Samirə sonda meyxanalarının Oqtayın yazdığı iddiasına da cavab verib:

"Biz məclisə gedəndə meyxana yazıb getmirik. Heç mənim ondan, onun da məndən xəbəri olmur. Küsülü olanda da bir məclisə getmişik. Elə meyxanalarımız olub ki, onları versək, Azərbaycanda dəhşət bir şey olar. 18+ meyxanalar olub. Özü də 2 plusla. Yuyub sərmişik birbirimizi. Neçə dəfə olub ki, Oqtay toya, verilişlərə gəlməyib, məni pis vəziyyətdə qoyub".

Mənbə: Milli.Az

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Oxşar xəbərlər


Read a few book reviews online or in the newspaper if you’re not sure how to do that. Book reports and especially book reviews are all about engaging with the text on a personal level. High school book reports are mostly about summarizing the book, proving you’ve actually read it. Chances are, you’ve written more than one book report during your school career. When in doubt, go with a theme since that approach proves you’ve thought carefully about the novel. Even in the most boring novel there’s likely one idea or character that grabs your interest. Another difference is that RO removes everything even healthy minerals. If you spend most of the paper talking about how the theme of greed plays out in the book, your summary should focus on those parts of the book that illustrate greed and its consequences. So again, be sure to read the assignment carefully because your teacher might tell you what to focus on. So read the assignment carefully, and check with your teacher to make sure you know what he or she is expecting. But if your teacher is calling the assignment a “book review” you might be expected to actually evaluate the book.| When one character’s goal and plan of action are incompatible with another character’s goal and action conflict happens. Indeed, it is this kind of confrontation - a core confrontation - that informs the action of almost every enduring dramatic screenplay and play. The "voice" of the screenplay is itself a character. A dramatic story - framed in the form of a screenplay - is about movement, it is about walking the territory - the outer and inner territory of character as conducted by a camera in the eyes of a poet. Drama is a present-time investigation of what humans or human-like characters do when faced with some form or another of disconnection (suffering). It is about the storyteller becoming present to the characters just as the characters become present to the storyteller. Great stories are the outward manifestations of outer and inner journeys - and, when dramatic, present the invasion of one world by another, of one belief system by another, of one value system by another. It is about making that world PRESENT - a journey in the divine sense, where travel means to see, to hear, to change.

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While learning about the postures, you will also learn how to hold the guitar, and the correct positioning and grip for both your hands. Knowing the parts of a guitar and learning how to tune it are vital aspects in picking or choosing very good quality of guitar. The first thing you will be taught is not how to play the instrument, but what the different parts of the guitar are. This makes sense because it is not a good idea to learn a musical instrument without first knowing its various parts. How many guitarists do you think started learning the instrument by borrowing others' guitars? Basically, the need for guitar theory knowledge depends primarily on your level of interest in the instrument. However, this is not a mandatory practice; in fact, many online guitar tutorials do away with the need for knowledge of guitar theory as a prerequisite for learning the chords and other complex things about the guitar.

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The discussion about the function of literature started at the Age of Greeks. At the beginning, it is important to distinguish what literature is and what is not. Literature had ever been approached scholarly by applying the natural science attitudes such as objectivity, impersonality, and certainty. Literature was learnt using any other science of culture. First, it is quiet necessary for us to know the definition of literature. First, literature ought to be everything in print. Since first, it is said that literature is an art. At the late of 19th century, the doctrine art for art’s sake was issued. And even though she is completely out of her element and has no idea how to return to that little farm in Kansas, the journey that she experiences helps her to find herself and brings her closer to home. But, it is not in a little number that imagery even doesn’t help the readers to understand the visualizations. Content was created with the help of GSA Content Generator DEMO!| Making solar panels from plastic is in the future, perhaps a light bulb that doesn’t shatter, or a plastic balloon to channel the Internet to remote areas of many countries are all new ideas for plastic usage. This need to assist discourage possibly destructive animals this sort of as skunks, rabbit and coyotes away, specially if a backyard garden is in your ideas. The Christmas Garden Berlin celebrated a gigantic audience success in the last two years more than a quarter million visitors. A huge movement took place in the early 70’s with the first recycling mill to accept residential plastics, which began operations in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania in 1972. And, in 1984, plastic recycling topped 100 million pounds in the U.S. It is estimated that 448 million tons of plastic was produced in 2015. Scientists were blown over by that estimate just recently. And more than 6 billion tons of it is just stacking up in landfills, winding up as litter, jamming streams, and making its way into our oceans.

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